Developer desk.

A mix of tools I use every day, and tools I’ve found useful. Many of these are in SetApp.


Xcode Apple’s IDE (don’t overlook Instruments!)

BBEdit Bulletproof Text Editor

DevUtils JSON validator and much more

JuxtaCode Diffs and Merge tool

Carbon Copy Cloner Local Backup

Tower My fav GitHub client, for nostalgic reasons mostly. Xcode 15 does what I need. Tower is expensive but useful for newbies because of its extensive help and support.


Swift Playgrounds Experiment here!

Glance Quick Look Code Files in the Finder

Bakery Icons for Dev versions

GitHub Desktop Free! Excellent GUI. Does what you need.

RocketSim Add-on for Xcode iOS Simulator

Essential Editors JSON, Plist, and CSV editors


Proxyman Reveal HTTP Network Traffic

RapidAPI for Mac Formerly MacPaw. API tool

Special Projects

Nova Panic’s code editor

GitFinder GitHub in the Finder

EditKit Pro Xcode Extension

XCOrganizer Tag Xcode project files


Dash Docs

A Companion for SwiftUI A menu of SwiftUI components

Libraried: UI Components iPad, although works on Mac

SnippetsLab Code Snippet Library

TeaCode Code Snippet Library


DetailsPro macOS and iOS

Adaptivity macOS and iOS

Mock-up UI wireframe and prototyping design tool. macOS and iOS